manutenzione e sicurezza lenti a contatto sacadranca


Wearing our colored lenses is a unique, fun and extravagant experience. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't give importance to the safety and protection of your eyes. For this reason, cosmetic lenses MUST be maintained and cleaned properly to avoid any danger.

Introduction to the maintenance of Sacadranca colored lenses.

Before purchasing contact lenses of any type, even if not graduated and not considered a medical device, our advice is to consult an optician or eye specialist to ensure they are suitable for use. This is because the eyes could react differently depending on certain characteristics that depend from subject to subject. Another tip of ours is not to wear our colored lenses for a particularly long period of time because it could harm the health of your eyes.

Furthermore, anyone suffering from particular disorders (any infection; any allergy that affects the eyes; any chronic eye disease; any corneal problem) must not wear cosmetic lenses to avoid further ocular problems due to the insertion of the lenses themselves.

After this brief introduction, let's now move on to the maintenance of Sacadranca contact lenses.

Once you have purchased colored lenses, it is of primary importance to be informed about how to clean and maintain them. For this reason we will provide you with a rich and exhaustive list of advice on how to keep your eyes perfectly safe:

  • Before handling the lenses, wash your hands with water and neutral soap, rinse them and dry them with a clean cloth. Water should not come into contact with your lenses; . Leave the lenses to soak in the appropriate single solution for at least a couple of hours (the ideal time frame would be 24 hours) before use;
  • Clean cosmetic lenses with the specific unique solution, removing any residues of make-up, cosmetics and other deposits that alter the comfort and safety of the lenses themselves. To avoid any doubt, rinse with the liquid whenever the lenses come into contact with anything other than your eye;
  • Place the lenses in the clean case provided and fill the case with clean single solution. Do not reuse or top up the old solution. Then throw away the dirty solution. If used frequently, the liquid should be replaced at least 1/2 times every two weeks, remembering, however, to rinse the lenses, on the palm of the hand, with a small dose of solution after each use (see GIF below);

Spray the unique solution on the palm of your hand for greater hydration and safety

  • Do not put contact lenses in your mouth to moisten them. Saliva is not a sterile solution. . Remove lenses before going to sleep and before any activity that involves contact with water, including showering or swimming;
  • Remove your lenses immediately if there is unexpected redness, burning or irritation of your eyes. In these cases consult a doctor.
  • Do not use the lenses for longer than the expiration date indicated on the package. For example, if the contact lenses are annual, consider 365 days from the day the lenses are opened.
  • Do not wear colored lenses that appear damaged and compromised. . Do not insert more than one pair of lenses at a time.
  • Do not let other people use the same lenses you wear. It could compromise the health of your eyes.

Now you are aware of everything you need to know before wearing any pair of colored cosmetic lenses and you are ready to immerse yourself in this wonderful look change experience.

Our one-stop solution

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