Still Natural Tear 15ml
· Diameter: mm
· Curvature: mm
· % of water:
· Material:
· Central hole:
Come indossare correttamente le tue lenti a contatto:
Prima di cominciare, lavati le mani con il sapone (preferibilmente non profumato, sapone liquido antibatterico), quindi sciacquati e asciugati le mani con un panno pulito.
Controlla che le lenti siano dal vero giusto. Metti la lente sulla punta del dito e guardala controluce. Se la lente è nel verso corretto, la forma è quella di una ciotola, se i bordi si allargano all'estremità, è al contrario.
- Aiutati con entrambe le mani e tieni delicatamente la palpebra superiore con un dito ed abbassa con attenzione la palpebra inferiore con le altre dita.
Avvicina la lente a contatto all' occhio. Guarda verso l'alto mentre la indossi, rilascia lentamente la palpebra e chiudi l'occhio per consentire alla lente di centrarsi. Ripeti per l'altro occhio.
Come togliere correttamente le tue lenti a contatto:
Lavati le mani ed asciugale con un panno pulito. Abbassa la palpebra inferiore, in caso di necessità aiutati con l’altra mano ed alza anche la palpebra superiore.
- Sposta la lente in in basso verso la parte bianca del tuo occhio, mantenendo il dito sulla lente guarda verso la direzione opposta.
- Stringi la lente dolcemente tra il pollice e l’indice, appena la lente si alzerà dall’occhio potrai rimuoverla senza problemi.
- Pulisci e disinfetta la tua lente a contatto con la soluzione apposita prima di riporla nel proprio porta lenti. Assicurati di cambiare la soluzione dentro il porta lenti almeno ogni 14 giorni per mantenerla sempre pulita ed idratata.
For shipments to Italy:
- Economy postal: €3.00 (Delivery in 4/5 working days, Not Traceable)
- InPost - Delivery to the collection point: €4.50 (Delivery in 2/4 working days)
- TNT Express Courier: €5.90 (Delivery in 1/2 working days)
- BRT Express Courier: €6.50 (Delivery in 1/2 working days)
- Express Courier BRT or TNT 2kg-4.5kg: €8 (Delivery in 1/2 working days)
- Express Courier BRT 4.6kg+: €10 (Delivery in 1/2 working days)
Free shipping for orders over €80
For international shipping and complete information, please visit the " Shipping and Payments " page
In case of damaged or incorrect product, notify us within 2 days of the arrival of the shipment. In the event of a change of mind or incorrect purchase on your part, you must notify us within 14 days of the arrival of the shipment.
For any questions contact us in Live Chat or on our contact page.
Still Milla eye drops
Protective and hydrating
Still Milla eye drops offer an immediate sensation of relief and prolonged comfort. Still Milla eye drops replace tears and create an artificial protective layer that protects the eyes from harmful external agents such as smog, heat or wind. They offer considerable help even when the eyes become dry or burning due to prolonged time in front of the computer screen and prevent ailments typical of wearers of all types of soft contact lenses, including daily disposable and RGP ones.
Preservative free
Still Milla drops prevent eye dryness and help eliminate dust particles from the surface of the lenses. This eye drop does not contain preservatives and is therefore very safe to use. They can be obtained and used without a prescription.
Eyes always hydrated
Dry eye syndrome is the most frequent complication reported by contact lens wearers. This complication has various causes but the common denominator is insufficient tearing or the low quality of natural tears. Still Milla eye drops offer fast and effective help.
To be used within 60 days of opening.
Yes, all our lenses are opaque, even on dark eyes.
Yes, the lenses are exactly as in the photo. To give greater security and clarity on the lenses and to give an idea of what they really look like, we have also added a live photo for each pair of lenses, taken by us. This way you can choose based on a real photo and not just a drawing.
The replacement item means after how long the lenses should be thrown away. This means that, taking quarterly magazines for example, they will have to be thrown away 90 days after first use.
For a detailed guide on the maintenance and safety of our cosmetic lenses we invite you to read our post on the company blog where any doubts will be removed.
Both of these two situations are strongly discouraged as they could lead to irritation and eye infections.
Yes, all the materials our lenses are made of are safe if properly maintained. Furthermore, the lenses are extremely comfortable and have good breathability for the passage of oxygen.
Any advice is welcome. We are constantly looking for new products and improvements to make your experience in the Sacadranca world increasingly pleasant and useful. All this to try to respond to your every single interest and/or need. Send your suggestions to info@sacadranca.com
Standard lenses, i.e. those that have the same diameter as our iris, are 14 mm. We also have the 14.5 mm ones in our catalogue, which are slightly wider than the standard ones but are very similar. If you want a so-called "big eyes" effect, we recommend 15 mm diameter lenses. After which we move on to 17 mm in diameter, called "mini sclera". Finally we have the lenses that cover the eye entirely. These are called "sclera", they have a diameter of 22 mm and give a paranormal and inimitable appearance.
We have designed a special section dedicated to these topics for you. If you have any doubts or want more information, visit the "shipping and payment links" section or contact us directly.
On the screen where you log in to your account you will find a link that says "Have you lost your password?". Click on it and follow the procedure to reset your password
Inside your account, under the address heading you will find your information. If you need to make any changes, you will see the edit button under the "billing address" or "shipping address" heading.
For further questions you can contact us directly via email or Whatsapp. You will find our contact details in the " Contact us " section.