Check RX
Your contact lens prescription is a set of specifications that allow you to purchase contact lenses that will correct your vision needs.
It will indicate the lens strength you need, the size and the recommended brand. If you have a particular condition such as astigmatism; request a more complex multifocal lens, your prescription may include other details.
A contact lens prescription will be issued to you after an eye exam by a qualified professional.
They will determine your vision needs and recommend replacement routines based on your lifestyle and the sensitivity of your eyes.

Disclaimer: You hereby certify that you have a valid prescription for the contact lenses you wish to order.
This means that your prescription is valid within 12 months from the date of purchase and that the prescription has been dispensed by a professional, qualified optometrist.
We reserve the right to verify these details with your doctor.
The above also applies to customers who reorder lenses.
If you have been given a contraindication to the use of lenses by a registered professional, we reserve the right to revoke any sale, unless otherwise redirected by the same or another registered professional.
You also hereby declare that you have no disorders that contraindicate the use of lenses.
By purchasing from us you confirm and verify that you have been prescribed the contact lenses you ordered by a qualified professional, therefore we assume no responsibility if you order lenses that have not been prescribed to you and/or if the purchase date exceeds 12 months by doctor's prescription.
We strongly recommend that regular eye checks are carried out by a qualified professional to ensure the well-being and continuity of eye health.
You do not necessarily have to send us your prescription but by accepting the terms and conditions above you verify that you have a valid prescription.
If you wish, we may assist you with your prescription via email: